

If he does these 5 things, he’s madly in love with you!

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1. He treats you with respect.

When a man is in love with a woman, he respects her.

He is interested in the little details of his life. He treats her with decency.

If your companion values ​​your opinions, compliments your personality, celebrates your successes, is attentive to details and if in addition, he is satisfied with your most eccentric habits – if, for example, he fills the fridge with Weight Watchers then how he hates it – it’s that a guardian angel fell from the sky just for you!

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2. You are constantly in thought.

Does he text you funny texts during the day?

Do songs, signs or hilarious article titles make him think of you?

Did he do a Google search last night to find an answer to one of your unanswered debates – which is healthier: ice cream or sorbet? – while he was still at work?

As soon as you take a prominent place in his days, even if you are far away, it is because he is involved in your relationship.

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3. He compromises.

Love softens hearts.

Being right is not as important as doing it right for the other person.

When your suitor joins you on subjects about which he is usually very stubborn – maybe he is a fan of auteur cinema and all of a sudden he will let you choose a film he would never have watched – is that he lets himself be guided by his heart and no longer by his head.

Any sign of selflessness, devotion is an indicator of the love he has for you.

4. He touches you in public.

Most men have no qualms about touching their girlfriend in private.

But with public outpourings, they can be a little more hesitant.

When your companion puts an arm around your shoulder in public, it is because he is happy to tell the world that you are together, but it is also a protective gesture.

Another gesture of love: as soon as it starts to offer you the hugs and the caresses of which you dreamed, without any naughty idea behind the head.

He wants to please you by having physical contact with you and no longer just to get what he wants.

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5. He wants to take care of you.

Women love men with protective instincts; and although he may not be able to fix everything, the mere fact that he is trying highlights his deep desire to take care of you.

He wants to improve things.

He wishes to provide for your needs, practical and psychological.

He wants to make you smile.

When he tries to reassure you and comfort you, he tells you “I love you” both with his words but also through his actions.

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