
10 things men notice in a woman

Men tend to seem like people who are not very detailed, but when it comes to interacting with women, they become the most interested.
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Men tend to seem like people who are not very detailed, but when it comes to interacting with women, they become the most interested. From how you look and how you speak to your sense of humor, men pay attention to detail to get to know you better.

If you want to know what men notice in a woman, check this list of the 10 things that catch their attention.

things men notice in woman

1. Personal style

Men look at the style of each woman. They notice when you get ready, the type of clothes you wear and if in general, you are a girl who prefers the sporty, casual or elegant look.

Your personal style tells them how relaxed you are in your daily life, how you see yourself, and how you project yourself to the world. It also shows if you take your image seriously and take care of your appearance. If you are always, as they say, “to the nines,” he will know that you care how you look.

2. Trust

Although it seems incredible, something that men also notice in women is the self-confidence that they project towards others. When you talk, laugh, and walk, you breathe confidence, and they notice it.

Don’t be afraid to show yourself as you are. Guys will love you for who you are, not for what you pretend to be. Always be sure of yourself. You will see that if that man likes you, that will drive him even more crazy.

3. Sense of humor

There is nothing more attractive in a person than their good sense of humor. We do not mean that they are clowns, but we do mean that laughter is part of their day-to-day, that they take things in a positive way and are able to laugh at themselves.

Even if you are an introvert or have a very sarcastic sense of humor, that will be noticed by men. They will feel good if you laugh at their crazy things and also if you are able to make them laugh with your sense of humor.

Being serious all the time can project a very intimidating image of a woman. Logically, this unconsciously makes people (and the boy you like, obviously) mark a distance because they can assume that their mocking attitudes make you uncomfortable.

4. Attitude

Men are not only detailed when it comes to admiring a girl’s body, they are also observant with your way of being, how you behave, and your attitude in general.

Although knowing the personality of a person requires time and treatment than a single outlet, the boy you like can realize important traits in a short time. For example, you can see if you are grateful, rude, kind, or despotic, if on the street you are supportive.

Your actions show much more than you think and help that boy form an idea of ​​who you are.

5. The body in general

Men often make a general observation of the body of girls to see if it corresponds to their “type.” When we say that they look at the body, we mean that they also observe how you walk, your gaze and how you move your hair.

All of that becomes the first connection you feel with a girl they like.

Remember that at first glance the physique always draws attention, but in the end, the way of being and your personality are imposed on good curves or a sculptural body.

6. The way you dress

Guys notice the way you dress: if you are a woman who likes to be elegant or if you like more to be sporty, regardless of the occasion. They also notice if you are one of those who like to look attractive and provocative, or if you prefer comfortable feminine clothes, but without much to show.

This is closely tied to your personal style because the clothes we wear express our personality. And it is not only about the pieces that we choose, they also determine if you have ironed the clothes, if they are clean, how you combine them. Your outfit speaks for you. Take care that it is the best possible image.

7. The hands

This part is also considered a cover letter for women. We are not talking about the fact that boys admire the fashion of wearing long and pointed nails with more rhinestones and designs than jewelry, we are talking about hand care, skincare, its naturalness.

Although men like women to take care of their hands and nails, what attracts them is that they have soft skin, clean nails, preferably natural tones.

8. How he looks at them!

Body language is one of the things that communicate the most about you. Among many gestures, perhaps the most telling is your look. That is why men are always attentive to your gestures and those demonstrations that give them the green light to approach you.

They will always be aware of the way you see them. An innocent and furtive look can be the confirmation that the boy needs to know that you are aware of him.

9. The conversations

Words say many things about us. For a boy, the conversations that a woman has that he likes are fundamental because they help him to know what you have inside his mind and what topics you are passionate about.

The boys pay attention to the topics they talk about, how you think about certain topics, the way you view the news, if you are interested in politics, how uninhibited you are talking about topics traditionally considered taboo.

Anyway, a pleasant and trivial chat can tell a man how interesting or mature is that girl who is stealing his sleep.

10. The smile

This is one of the most observed and most anticipated traits by men. The smile is always one of the best letters of introduction and, at the same time, it is very expressive. With your smile, you can show joy, shyness, tenderness, sympathy … even falsehood or hypocrisy.

If men expect something when they look for your smile, it is that it looks natural and transmits what you really feel. If you are a girl who usually smiles a lot, you will surely like it. Who doesn’t want to be around happy people?


Every boy is different and his personality dictates a lot of the traits that a woman is interested in finding. This list of things that men pay attention to in a woman is a guide to know them better and to know what aspects we can take care of to help us before their eyes.

But always remember that the most important thing is the way you are. Yes, men are detailed and observant, and what they will see the most in you is your authenticity and self-confidence. The more comfortable you feel with yourself, the more they will want to share with you.

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